It was like something out of a sci-fi novel. Scattered across the landscape were a series of craggy rock formations, that rose into the sky like giant ant hills. Not merely mountains, high up in these peaks were a multitude of deeply carved windows and passageways, that had been chiseled into the soft rock by men who thousands of years ago had called these hills their homes. Above it all hot air balloons hung, silently suspended over the strange, alien landscape.
Few places in the world are capable of eliciting the same sense of mystery as Cappadocia. It's history as a Christian refuge from the 4th to 11th centu
Most travelers here, ourselves included, use the village of Goreme as a base for exploring the area. This village may be one of the few frequented destinations on earth that remains somehow unspoilt by mass tourism. Sure there are countless hotels and restaurants with kitschy names and pushy salesman, but equal to tourism this towns secondary economy is agriculture. And beneath all the the carpet shops and tour guides, beats the uninterrupted heart of village life that remains nearly the same today as it did a hundred years ago. It's not unusual to to see horse driven carriages lumber by bogged down with piles of hay, or to find the small path that leads to your hotel blocked by goats or cattle being herded through the winding cobblestone roads.
Summer afternoons in Goreme are aboslutely perfect for exploring the surrounding area on foot. Paths connect the beauty of Pigeon Valley, Honey Valley, Rose Valley, and Love Valley together, making for an easy, three to four hour long trek. Evenings can be spent in one of the town's restaurants sampling local wines or taking in a peformance of traditional Turkish folk music. One could easily spend at least a week here, if not more, but sadly we only spent four days. Thankfully though, this is one destination I'm certain I'll be coming back to someday.
1 comment:
What are you going to do when you retire? I hope flights to Mars are a common excursion in the year 2042.
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