Monday, January 11, 2010

Welcome Back to the Yakcast...

Well, here I go again... Back in Bangkok much sooner than I expected. I will do my best to update this blog as often as possible, however due to some of the places I will be visiting this will be a greater challenge than it has been before.

I am flying down to Phuket today for a five day scuba liveaboard in the Similan Islands, and heading to Myanmar (Burma) on the 24th. After two weeks in Myanmar I will head to Laos for some trekking and three nights living in a tree house in the jungle. As always, I'll do what I can to keep you all informed. Stay tuned.


Unknown said...

Whaaaa I want you to be my travel guide....

Can I come next time?

Unknown said...

Awesome dude, let me know how the Similan's are. If I see you in Bangkok I see ya, if not I'll see ya when I get back.