The last couple weeks before leaving have certainly been hectic. Wrapping things up at work, packing, filling out change of address forms... I certainly believe I've spent more time on hold in the last seven days then ever before in my life.
One of the major highlights though was the going away party that was thrown for me at my house the weekend before I left.
My band Crystal Warrior played as well as Portland, Oregon's Sensory Overlord. With apologies to the neighbors we made a pretty good racket and had a very good time doing it. I got to catch up with a number of friends I hadn't spoken with in a while, and I'm greatly appreciative of all who came out for the event.
Tomorrow is the big day. I fly out at 1pm, and after a short layover in Tokyo, will be touching down in Bangkok, Thailand.
Wooo! Have a good trip man. We'll hold down the OZ for you while you're gone.
Have a great trip Joe. We'll miss you but be looking forward to reading all about it. Jen
Good luck Joe. Hoe to hear about your travels once you return.
hey, sorry i couldn't make it to the party, looks like it was a face-melting soul-scorching innocence-robbing time. have a blast, look forward to the blog entries and getting envious, and influenced by your endeavors. let me know if you want someone to forge your vote this fall and please say hello to Ling Ling.
Hey Joe!
Enjoy your adventure!
Joe have fun! Looking forward to read about all the adventures. You're missing flavor of love here at work!!!
Godspeed Joe!
Looking forward to your Bloggering.
I'm supposed to be with you right now!
Damn job.
See you in Indonesia.
Awesome show. You tweak knobs like a pro.
Unfortunately, I'll probably be living in Kyoto already when you come back, so I'm not sure when I'll ever see you again. I wish we had gotten a chance to jam.
At any rate, best wishes with Thailand/etc., and tell your lady not to fuck with the Temporal Prime Directive.
update update! I'm in bangkok now and will be back and possibly up for a little travel in the region from Feb 25th or so. Where do you think you'll be then?
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